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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Along Scenic Highway 395 > Drama of the High Sierras
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11-OCT-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Drama of the High Sierras

Highway 395, California

First snow.

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Chad Ramsey21-Jul-2009 02:53
Looks like a good place for a water slide! :) Beautiful shot! V
Allen Hart20-Jul-2009 02:50
I really like this shot. I think it does a wonderful job conveying the scale of the mountains.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet19-Jul-2009 01:05
Wonderful composition
bill friedlander18-Jul-2009 15:33
Great shot of these magnificent mountains at the edge of the water. V
FrankB18-Jul-2009 09:16
excellent western landscape. The color transition is fabulous...V
Randy Adams18-Jul-2009 03:49
wow...beautiful Sandi!
Guest 17-Jul-2009 16:56
This is a magnificent scene that has been beautifully composed. Sandi... excellent!
Bartosz Kotulski17-Jul-2009 12:26
beautiful landscape with great composition and nice light. i wish to be there right now:)
Earl Arboneaux 17-Jul-2009 12:04
Very beautiful scene, Sandi..Wish I was there...
Sayer17-Jul-2009 03:00
Beautiful.... lovely composition. ~v
Lise Trempe16-Jul-2009 15:07
Very lovely scene well composed. Love to see opposite seasons on the same scenery.
Carol Rollins16-Jul-2009 14:15
Outstanding! ~
Guest 16-Jul-2009 12:47
What a beautiful scene, Sandi. Love the composition and reflective colors. Excellent. V
Gerard Koehl16-Jul-2009 11:47
Magnifique paysage... V
Ali Majdfar16-Jul-2009 09:58
Outstanding! ~V
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