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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Along Scenic Highway 395 > Bit of Fall Color... Bit of Snow
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13-OCT-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Bit of Fall Color... Bit of Snow

Highway 395, California

Just after an early snow storm, the White Mountains live up to their name, and make a nice contrast to the autumn colors.
Such a wonderful variety of scenery in the Eastern Sierras, along Highway 395, that's ever changing with the seasons.

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Esa Ervasti30-Jan-2009 23:25
Yep, very pleasant contrast in autumn sunshine :-)
January Grey17-Dec-2008 04:51
A glorious view, beautifully captured, Sandi. V~
Bryan Murahashi13-Dec-2008 06:00
Fabulous scenery and photo.
Matthew Mannell08-Dec-2008 18:56
Great framing, love all the layers.
waterfalls man04-Dec-2008 00:37
Excellent Shot V
silvia marmori03-Dec-2008 19:07
it's beautiful indeed.. great tonality..
fdt03-Dec-2008 16:25
Beautiful. f
Earl Arboneaux 03-Dec-2008 13:43
Very nice,landscape shot,Sandy...
Bill Robinson03-Dec-2008 13:29
Bit of everything. Lovely landscape Sandi.
Michel Jasmin02-Dec-2008 23:43
Beautiful scene
Guest 02-Dec-2008 22:19
One view that goes on forever..terrific work, Sandi!
Alejandro02-Dec-2008 21:58
beautiful pic. voted.
Tom Munson02-Dec-2008 19:14
Great light and beautifully composed. Great shot, Sandy.
Jim Coffman02-Dec-2008 18:45
Gorgeous landscape Sandi!Wonderful variety of colors!
Marcia Colelli02-Dec-2008 17:41
very beautiful landscape
Gerard Koehl02-Dec-2008 16:11
Ce paysage est de toute beauté... V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad02-Dec-2008 15:54
This is such a picturesque area. Nice shot, Sandi.
Cindi Smith02-Dec-2008 14:26
Beautiful landscape....gorgeous image, Sandi!
Susanne v. Schroeder02-Dec-2008 14:13
Such beauty! Great landscape.
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