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Sam Woods | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> GALAPAGOS: Birds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


These islands lie just 960km off the coast of Ecuador, where I have lived since 2005. It took me until 2010 to get there though, when I joined a Tropical Birding comprehensive tour of these unique islands, where Darwin was inspired to create his theory of evolution by natural selection. Quite simply there is nowhere quite like The Galapagos, the birds are tame, the scenery dramatic, and the experience unforgettable...
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Small Ground-Finch
Small Ground-Finch
Vegetarian Finch
Vegetarian Finch
Meduim Tree-Finch
Meduim Tree-Finch
Gray Warbler-Finch
Gray Warbler-Finch
Gray Warbler-Finch
Gray Warbler-Finch
Galapagos Flycatcher
Galapagos Flycatcher
Galapagos Mockingbird
Galapagos Mockingbird
Galapagos Hawk (juvenile)
Galapagos Hawk (juvenile)
Galapagos Hawk (juvenile)
Galapagos Hawk (juvenile)
Charles Mockingbird
Charles Mockingbird
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
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