7 November 2011
Tasmanian Devil (Australia)
7 November 2011
Tasmanian Devil (Australia)
4 October 2011
Proboscis Monkeys (Malaysian Borneo)
1 October 2011
Silvered Langur (Malaysia)
8 October 2011
Western Tarsier (Malaysian Borneo)
Calaby's Pademelon?
Not sure of the ID for sure as the mammal guide is difficult to get hold of for PNG and there is scant information online. Any help appreciated!
30 April 2011
Pronghorn (Colorado USA)
Gorgeous in the early morning sun, although I guess there was a lek of Lesser Prairie-chickens just the other side of the car that may have made this animal even more special at that moment!
2 May 2011
Moose (Colorado USA)
OK so it's not the best shot or the best Moose you'll ever see, BUT it was my first (and so far, ONLY) Moose so humor me!
4 October 2010
Koala (Australia)
Digiscoped with Swarovski ATS65 HD scope.
13 July 2010
Red-necked Pademelon (Australia)
13 July 2010
Red-necked Pademelon (Australia)
10 July 2010
Red-necked Wallaby (Australia)
7 March 2010
(Noisy) Night Monkey
Digiscoped with Swarovski ATS65 HD telescope.
29 December 2009
Red Howler Monkey (Ecuador)
This monkey was sat just above a melee of parrots at the famous Yasuni National Park Parakeet Lick. Below this handsome monkey Cobalt-winged Parakeets battled with Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlets, Orange-cheeked Parrots, and even a couple of Scarlet Macaws for a place at the lick.
23 January 2010
South American Coati (Ecuador)
29 December 2009
Common Squirrel Monkey (Ecuador)
27 December 2009
Pygmy Marmosets (Ecuador)
Digiscoped grooming each other amusingly!
17 December 2009
Agouti sp. ?
If anyone can enlighten me as to which species this is that would be great!?
29 October 2006
Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo (Australia)
Whilst on my first tour of the east someone in the back of the van quietly mentioned they had a mammal in a tree and for some unknown reason I just knew it was going to turn out to be this, my first and only tree kangaroo to date. Ever since reading the amazing "Throwim Way Leg" by Tim Flannery I had become fascinated by tree kangaroos, and longed to see one. Only problem is that they are nowhere easy to see. This is perhaps the most easy of the bunch, although is localized and supposedly nocturnal, which was why it was pretty ridiculous that I thought they might referring to one of these late in the morning at Hypipamee (that is actually in the core of their range). The whole idea of a kangaroo that bounds around trees still just seems absurd to me and seeing one does not change that, they just look out of place up there. They appear as if evolution has not taken full affect yet with on them!
June 2009
Red-tailed Squirrel (Ecuador)
This cheeky squirrel comes in daily to raid the fruit laid out for the Blue-winged Mountain-Tanagers, White-winged Brush-finches, and Red-headed Barbets!
29 November 2007
Hanuman Langur (India)
As with many animals in Hindu culture, this silvery-colored langur is considered sacred.
This was digicsoped using a Swarovski ATS HD 65mm telescope.
6 October 2006
Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Eastern Australia)
20 July 2006
Southern Tamandua (Brazil)
20 July 2006
Southern Tamandua (Brazil)
20 July 2006
Southern Tamandua (Brazil)