3 July 2009
Pacific Flatbill NEST
OK so it is not a bird although the nest of this bird may never have been found before, or if it has only very rarely. So I put this in for information.
3 July 2009
Pacific Flatbill
Found nesting along the Tawny-faced Quail trail. The nest was a big hanging ball of sticks and leaves, around 4.5m up in a tree.
22 June 2009
Nothing like climbing down a couple of rickety bamboo ladders, down into a deep, dark ravine, being splashed by the neighboring waterfall as you descend, and then walking into a mob of these strange, strange birds at the end of it all. Great way to get a new family!
3 June 2009
Rusty-breasted Antpitta
Only recently discovered in Ecuador (first found at this site by Nick Athanas on April 18, 2003), and so not in the field guide.
30 May 2009
Ochre-breasted Antpitta
More photos of the "hipster" Shakira, in between a period of hip-wiggling!
30 May 2009
Ochre-breasted Antpitta
Amazingly the "Antpitta Whisperer" Angel Paz and his brother Rodrigo have managed to habituate an Ochre-breasted Antpitta (along with their now "usual" Yellow-breasted and Giant Antpittas). As is his way Angel has named them all. This ones 'Hips Don't Lie', and is named "Shakira" as it appears to wiggle its hips from side-to-side much like the famous, pint-sized Colombian pop star.
30 May 2009
Orange-breasted Fruiteater
30 May 2009
Orange-breasted Fruiteater
30 May 2009
Orange-breasted Fruiteater