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The 2007 Nationals and rare badge collections

The National Police Collectors Show was held on October 2007 in Reno NV at John Ascuaga's Nugget

Casino Resort. the Host were Doug Messer , Mike Lynch and Brian Smith. The show is a benefit for

the Concerns of Police Survivors(COPS).I havent been to a show in a few years because of work

schedule and semi retirement from the hobby.It was amazing to see the super collection that are out

there and collectors who's passion will keep the hobby alive and preserved.The best collection in

the country if not the world was the late Walt Gist collection the price of admmission to see his

collection was worth every penny some of the photos on this site is from that collection.
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California State agency badges
California State agency badges
award wining display by Mike, who's on his way to the best SFPD collection, if not yet.
award wining display by Mike, who's on his way to the best SFPD collection, if not yet.
Mike is taking over the rein from Bob who will retire soon.
Mike is taking over the rein from Bob who will retire soon.
amazing collection
amazing collection
another fine exhibit
another fine exhibit
rare items at display at the show
rare items at display at the show
one of the fine Sacramento collection
one of the fine Sacramento collection
a rare  Las Vegas collection
a rare Las Vegas collection
g6/64/382064/3/86871282.l89F7O4B.jpg east bay collection
east bay collection
The next few rare badges are from the Walt Gist Collection
The next few rare badges are from the Walt Gist Collection
g6/64/382064/3/86872946.mE4SYGE1.jpg g6/64/382064/3/86872947.bXza5Dxh.jpg g6/64/382064/3/86872948.zGVPtGLQ.jpg
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