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smith barney and 2005 updates

This photo site is dedicated to the staff of Smith Barney of San Mateo,we all worked there from

1998 to 2004 and have fond memories of this place called "the office" we all remember bowling

tournments, the softball team, the football team, free giant's games, the pot lucks,

free lunchs ,xmas parties, ice cream days even romance between the single crowd.

the office specialized in stock options trading for large silcon valley corporations. I will

miss the people who came and went throughout the years. Thanks for the memories...



Its been over a year and here are some of the update of the gang.

Frank,Carsten,Reggie,Kertel,Erika,and Suzanne are working at the SB Palo Alto office.

Jimmy,Ken(now a manager) and Tami are at the SF Smith Barney.

Maria,Carver,Nicole,Curtis,Yuri,Pourya,Aris and Michael T. are at the SB Menlo Office.

Bennett ,Belen are in the SB San Antonio office.(Spurs fans now)

Brian Hughes(goth vader) is now at the SB Menlo Office.

Suzanne,Leann,Sims,Joe,Karen H. and Karen C working at the SB San Mateo office

Joelle Groch is now a now a Client Service Associate at Menlo Park office

*******************************lastest flash: NICOLE AND VINNIE ARE NOW MARRIED...CONGRATS!!!*******


Michael Chew now at CSAA

Wendy is a Claims Rep for AAA in Las Vegas

Leslie Chin now at Bank of America

Raymond Ching now a MGM Las Vegas high roller host

Dominic Fama now a international horse whisper and professional breeder

Raymond Galela now a Lowell High School band teacher(samantha's teacher)

Thoko Matshazi now a broker with a new firm

Tuan Ngo now a Mananger at a new firm

May Young now working in the school system

Chi Wu,Ryan,David P and George Hamilton now work for a new firm in San Jose

Palo now a broker at Mogan Stanley

George Chavez is now a Agency Supervisory Officer (yuri job) at a firm in Sacramento.

Carl Kiddy now in the merchant card services business

Please send any update to thanks all for our journey in life, it was fun.
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edmond and wendy     feb 2004
edmond and wendy feb 2004
suzanne and  john      feb 2004
suzanne and john feb 2004
raymond  and mabel   feb 2004
raymond and mabel feb 2004
our legal manager suzanne
our legal manager suzanne
ops. leslie ,barnaby  and belen from SA ops
ops. leslie ,barnaby and belen from SA ops
trading manager george and his monster
trading manager george and his monster
overworked employees csr dan and ops collins
overworked employees csr dan and ops collins
6:00am trader howard and dwac desiree
6:00am trader howard and dwac desiree
trader may and admin leanne
trader may and admin leanne
our first vice president   nancy              (retired 36 years)
our first vice president nancy (retired 36 years)
dwac wendy and trader howard
dwac wendy and trader howard
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