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Lighted patch collection Uniform from the old days of San Francisco Outstanding Chicago Patch collection Rare badges of Chicago PD
g4/64/382064/3/136524125.1rdpD0IV.jpg g4/64/382064/3/136524126.TVBP7eVT.jpg g4/64/382064/3/136524127.6184mtmA.jpg g4/64/382064/3/136524128.6As8HkxK.jpg
very unusal patches use by CPD g4/64/382064/3/136524601.P08hIcoq.jpg g4/64/382064/3/136524602.7Ed8ilB9.jpg antique and rare handcuffs
patch collectors Rare disney patch Mike's large LASD collection Uniform also part of the LASD collection
Rare Napa Police Chief badge CHP Commissioner D.O. Spike Helmick  badges, also part of Gary's collection Gary's outstanding SF patch collection g4/64/382064/3/136532725.Vv8CnUEx.jpg
g4/64/382064/3/136532726.47QuTCzn.jpg award winners at the 2011 Replica NYPD  badges, officers known to have duplicates shield bought in NY Chinatown. Large lighted badge display
international badges g9/64/382064/3/153659810.mVFa4496.jpg
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