The primary intent was to test a Celestron C8 OTA (Optical Tube Assembly) regarding its suitability for normal photography. This was then extended to include a Tamron 28-300 zoom lens (at 300mm), a Sigma 500/7.2 and a high-end astronomical refractor telescope (TeleVue Custom 140, 700mm/5.0). Distance to target was roughly 78m (say, 250 feet). Field of view of a 28mm prime on a D30 is shown (= that of a "standard" 45mm lens on a 35mm camera) for reference. The Celestron Ultima 2000-8" comes in a "handy!" carry case. Scope, including mount, weighs 15kg, carry-case 6kg, tripod 7kg. Note size of lenshood, placed on my usual camera bag that carries a D30 + 5 lenses. With various attachments this C8 can be configured for 35mm format cameras to have varied fixed focal lengths (eg from 1250mm/6.3 to 21000mm/128). It can also be used with an astro CCD at 400mm/1.95. The tests below check it out at 1250/6.3 and 2030/10.0. The TeleVue is also quite bulky. In fact when one is considering only the OTAs it is questionable as to which is more "handy" for use at the beach, the TeleVue or a C8. In either case a serious tripod is required. See last slide for overall conclusions.