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Samir Kharusi | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Infra Red Landscapes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Infra Red Landscapes

Fooling around for a different look. The photos here were taken through either a Hoya R72 filter or a Wratten 89B gel filter. Both filters look black because they block out almost all visible light, but they let through the Near Infra Red from 720nm to longer wavelengths. Everyday materials have vastly different reflectivities in the IR, e.g. foliage is highly reflective and it comes out very bright. Black trousers are sometimes very transparent to IR and white panties may show through quite clearly... This has led to ads hawking "X-ray Cameras". Nothing to do with X-rays, of course. You can also shoot movies in Infra Red. An example I shot using a modded DSLR may be viewed here: For other stuff peruse my primary website:
IR+Natural Colours
IR+Natural Colours
IR 3 Boats
IR 3 Boats
Purlingbrook Headwaters
Purlingbrook Headwaters
Pine Needles in IR
Pine Needles in IR
Mahone Bay's Churches
Mahone Bay's Churches
Lunenburg Waterfront Rooms
Lunenburg Waterfront Rooms
Moonwatch at Octagonal Fort
Moonwatch at Octagonal Fort
Road Bridge Beam
Road Bridge Beam
IR Garden
IR Garden
IR Storm Clouds
IR Storm Clouds
Bucolic Restaurant
Bucolic Restaurant
Cloud Patterns with an Ultrawide Lens
Cloud Patterns with an Ultrawide Lens
Over The Mighty St Lawrence
Over The Mighty St Lawrence
IR Gull
IR Gull
IR Gull 2
IR Gull 2
IR Test of Canon 500D
IR Test of Canon 500D
Versatility with Zoom Lens
Versatility with Zoom Lens
Lunenburg Harbour
Lunenburg Harbour