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Samir Kharusi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Testing Canon Tele Extenders > M31 w Crop of M110
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8 November 2007 Samir Kharusi

M31 w Crop of M110

Ghubra Bowl

If you click/activate "original" below right, you can see the M110 crop inset at 100%, 1:1. Note that the Canon 40D has quite a small pixel pitch, 5.7 microns, hence very demanding of lens quality, and tracking too! The halos are primarily due to the excessive contrast stretching because of insufficient integration time.
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Hutech Canon 40D w UV/IR Blocker,Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM
36x3min at f5.6 and ISO 1600. Calibrated with darks, bias and flats. full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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