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Samir Kharusi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Springbrook, Queensland, Australia > Milky Way at Zenith
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13-JUL-2004 Samir Kharusi

Milky Way at Zenith

Springbrook, Queensland, Australia

Single, 5-minute exposure at ISO 1250, using a Tamron 14/2.8 lens at f4. In calibrating the frame I chose not to flat-field it, despite the lens showing significant vignetting even at f4. The reason is that the vignetting helps to make the Milky Way look like some remote galaxy photographed through a superb telescope to bring out all those dark lanes sharply. While I did try to take 20 of these frames for later stacking, unfortunately only one showed no clouds at all :-( The 14mm captures much of the sky in one go and every passing cloud obscured something or other. And then I got dew on the lens to firmly close the session. I did dark-subtract my one good frame to reduce noise, but 20x5min exposure would have reduced noise a lot more. Out at Springbrook I was most impressed by the transparency of the air. This yielded a very dark sky despite being only some 30 km from the City of Gold Coast with its hundreds of high-rises. If you still think this is a remote galaxy just click onto the next image that shows the major constellations. Should help to identify some familiar landmarks (skymarks?).

Canon EOS 1Ds ,Tamron SP AF 14mm f/2.8
299s f/4.0 at 14.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Akhil 12-Nov-2010 18:58
Amazing ... Thanks for sharing
Guest 25-Oct-2004 17:46