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2012 Apr 15

Saturn 2012 April 15

JPL simulation for the 2012 Saturn Opposition. Make sure that "original" below right is activated. The Rings open out enough for the Cassini Division to be "just" detectacble in an image using a 3" OTA, while the challenge for a C11 and larger will be to nail down that Encke Gap. Interesting also to predict that a number of imagers are likely to claim the Encke Gap with a C8 (or even a C6?!), when the likelihood is that they are recording the Encke Minimum that shades down the A-Ring. The shading effect is nicely displayed in the simulation for a 6" aperture. Still, one or two people may well nail down the Encke Gap with a C8, not entirely impossible. And if you do not nail down the Encke Gap with a C14, well, just keep on trying :-)

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