Quickie comparison, mainly aimed at image resolution. Phase One H20 back on Hasselblad + 150/4 lens compared to Canon 1Ds + 100/2.8 macro USM lens, both lenses at f/5.6. Conclusion: Provided the lenses are of equal quality, like in this test, the Canon 1Ds is fully capable of going head-to-head as regards resolution against the Phase One H20 back. This is not very surprising since both the sensors are roughly 4000 pixels long, the H20 being a square 16 MP, the 1Ds a rectangular 11 MP. Check out the crops.
Just look at the lapel.jpg and the difference will strike you in the face. The 1Ds shot illustrates a common drawback with all-in-one designs, the presence of moire. The photographer's crop has exposed the difference between using a custom back (H20) and a similar sensor in a camera body. Absolutely no doubt that the H20 wins hand down!