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Sam_C | all galleries >> Current >> Natural Born Killaz > The Avenger
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17-MAY-2008 Sammy X

The Avenger

Or Sc-Avenger :-)

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Sabine Stetson10-Jun-2008 04:51
amazing how the creatures around survive....glad,
he cant open the bottles...yet....
stunning shot...
Marcia Manzello29-May-2008 04:40
How the heck did you manage to get this job done???
I can't believe, the things the things you see.
it is not just taking pictures of kids, landscape etc...
you totally go beyond of all.
James Clarke24-May-2008 13:55
Awesome shot of the little critter, great foreground sharpness and beautiful background bokeh. +V
shatterbug22-May-2008 05:56
Lol, great capture!
Guest 20-May-2008 04:38
He's definitely a natural born killa!
Elmer Quianio20-May-2008 00:02
Sam, is this the squirrel in the Dr. Dolittle movie. Beautiful shot!!! Vote
Guest 19-May-2008 13:47
wow ! V
XiaoBernard9919-May-2008 12:22
Well seen sAM!Perfect shoot.

I am not quiet for the little squirrel ...He must learn and the human are not so nice with him.
FrankB19-May-2008 09:49 can see the concentration on this little dude...! fantastic detail here...V
parallaxes aka Jean-Pierre Bijouard19-May-2008 08:16
Well seen, Sam ! *V*
Guest 19-May-2008 08:09
great capture, Sam!-v-
pr_rajan19-May-2008 08:01
Simon Chandler19-May-2008 07:54
Unique and cute capture. Great composition. v
12319-May-2008 07:52
Excellent Sam. V