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Sam_C | all galleries >> Current >> Natural Born Killaz > NBK: The Kill
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28-APR-2007 Sammy X

NBK: The Kill

Canon EOS 5D
1/15s f/2.8 at 28.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jeff Real27-Oct-2010 01:58
Such a marvelous look. Perfect for this subject ~V~
Hodero05-Feb-2009 13:21
Looks like he will need an Alka Seltzer after that meal !
Darbowski06-Jun-2008 09:42
Impressive shot !!!! V
Marcia Manzello29-May-2008 04:34
what they are trying to do??? and what were you doing there???
Martha Albuquerque27-May-2008 13:43
incredible image! v~
shatterbug22-May-2008 05:57
Can't we all just get along? :-) Appropriate tones for this violence!
Elmer Quianio21-May-2008 09:37
Sam, Excellent shot! Love the composition.Very impressive! Vote
Simon Chandler20-May-2008 04:49
Excellent work. Excellent composition and tonal range, very powerful. v
FrankB30-Apr-2008 02:35
power personified in the savage lioness! Great choice of POV for this one bro...V
12330-Apr-2008 01:49
In my preverse sense of sight I thought it was a sexually charged moment when I first looked at the Love is war!!! V
Yiannis Pavlis30-Apr-2008 01:02
This is outstanding in BW and you have presented the tones and imagery superbly. V
Guest 29-Apr-2008 14:07
Excelent shot
James Clarke29-Apr-2008 12:54
Love the action and the angle, even though these are not real you make good work of bringing them to life. +V