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Sam_C | all galleries >> Equipment Themed >> The GR-Digital Color Diary > Protest
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08-MAY-2007 Sam_Charupakorn


At least it was civil :-)

Ricoh GR Digital
1/84s f/3.5 at 5.9mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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XiaoBernard9905-May-2008 18:11
Hi hi hi French Tradition at least also.Each week we can see in the street for all.I fell the people very happy for that it is a good picture.
James Clarke05-May-2008 13:34
Power to the people. +V
12309-May-2007 05:11
These Saigon Grill asswipes locked out their workers?!? WTF?!? Let them eat s___.
Great image. VOTED BIG Time for your pro Union stance.