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Jim Ross | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Picture Whenever... > Corgarff...
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Nikon D80
1/400s f/8.0 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

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Johnny JAG30-Mar-2008 19:03
I think I passed it many years ago, but without snow. It looks great in B&W.
Guest 30-Mar-2008 07:57
Beautiful image, Jim. I'll be honest, I didn't think this was snow at first but sand. The image almost feels like IR, and the end result is stunning. V.
Paco López30-Mar-2008 06:44
Excellent!!! V!
SRW30-Mar-2008 03:21
Stunning... -- really shows your love for this place...
Sam Stevenson29-Mar-2008 23:20
Lovely B&W image.
Stewart Mitchell29-Mar-2008 22:32
I was really dischuffed when they repainted this place white.....but with a dusting of snow and your comp & b&W treatment, you have created a great image. Very nice!!
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