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Shelley Stanton's Recent Galleries

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30-Jul-2010 21:39
Nature's Garden
gallery: Nature's Garden
24-Jul-2010 22:19
Wheels and Wings
gallery: Wheels and Wings
01-Nov-2009 16:28
Expressions & Impressions
gallery: Expressions & Impressions
01-Oct-2009 03:03
Just Folks
gallery: Just Folks
04-Jul-2009 03:55
Sunrise to Sunset
gallery: Sunrise to Sunset
10-May-2009 17:38
My Collage & Artist Trading Card Work
gallery: My Collage & Artist Trading Card Work
03-Jan-2009 04:46
Welcome to Middle Earth
gallery: Welcome to Middle Earth
13-Oct-2008 00:52
Canon EOS 400D - Rebel XTi
gallery: Canon EOS 400D - Rebel XTi
25-Aug-2008 02:49
Photographic Art Impressions
gallery: Photographic Art Impressions
22-Feb-2008 13:10
Santa Fe - The City Different
gallery: Santa Fe - The City Different
06-Aug-2007 17:52
Bandelier National Monument
gallery: Bandelier National Monument
03-Aug-2007 22:03
gallery: Architecture