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Ireland 2010

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St. Flannan's Cathedral, Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland
St. Flannan's Cathedral, Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland
Foxglove on the Hill
Foxglove on the Hill
Duck in Killaloe
Duck in Killaloe
Wild flowers in the wilderness...
Wild flowers in the wilderness...
Portumna Castle in Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland
Portumna Castle in Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland
Portumna Castle window,,,
Portumna Castle window,,,
Main Street in Killaloe, County Clare
Main Street in Killaloe, County Clare
St Flannan's Church of Ireland Cathedral, Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland
St Flannan's Church of Ireland Cathedral, Killaloe, County Clare, Ireland
Water pump and flowers
Water pump and flowers
Leafy tunnel to Newgrange
Leafy tunnel to Newgrange
Restaurant Interior
Restaurant Interior
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