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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wisconsin and North Dakota Scenes > School House in North Dakota - HDR
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24-APR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

School House in North Dakota - HDR

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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fotabug30-May-2010 15:13
neat shot
Guest 28-May-2010 19:29
Great find! I wonder how long ago it has been since they boarded it up?
Ann26-May-2010 14:56
That must have been the most quaint schoolhouse in its time. It still looks beautiful even now.
Ed Duverger24-May-2010 18:46
How many pupils could it house?
Bea.24-May-2010 07:12
It looks so lonely and forlorn. I hope they can hold onto it.
Paul Milholland24-May-2010 01:57
At least it had a long, productive run. . . .
Guest 23-May-2010 23:41
There are quite a few of these old schools around here too.
paplvr23-May-2010 23:02
Oh my thats an oldie! I like the effect, too bad the plywood is there. My parents could have gone to something like that, they grew up in ND. Linda S
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