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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Twilight in Winnipeg
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15-MAR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Twilight in Winnipeg

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Yiannis Pavlis22-Nov-2017 14:29
A very beautiful photograph.
Deborah 22-Jan-2014 23:03
It twinkles like jewels! Nicely done Ruth.
bill friedlander01-Feb-2012 21:57
Great exposure for this night shot. Love all the points of light.
Laura Milholland27-Mar-2010 18:03
I love all the twinkly lights in the trees.
Ann27-Mar-2010 07:22
Wonderful night shot, Ruth.
Guest 26-Mar-2010 01:44
Great night shot!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo26-Mar-2010 00:35
Very nice!
Ed Duverger24-Mar-2010 20:51
Very nice.Has some x-mas mood.
Bea.24-Mar-2010 20:43
Nice work Ruth.
Guest 24-Mar-2010 20:12
wonderfully done, Ruth
Jack Hoying24-Mar-2010 19:41
Nice time of night for a photo. I like the blue lights in the trees.
Guest 24-Mar-2010 19:29
Very nice Ruth.
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