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18-OCT-2008 Ruth Voorhis

Devon Rex baby

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paul Milholland28-Oct-2008 05:00
Quite a face on that little rascal. ;)
Jack Hoying24-Oct-2008 12:06
Wow, what huge ears!
Cindy22-Oct-2008 01:24
Awwww, how precious is that? Nice capture Ruth.
Guest 21-Oct-2008 23:16
Look at those beautifull eyes.
momad3004421-Oct-2008 22:16
What beautiful eyes he has! Cute shot.

Jeanne Newman21-Oct-2008 20:43
He is a beauty....intense and a bit intimidated, I'd think...but you did such a fine job harnessing his kitten-essence! Well done, Ruth!
Ann21-Oct-2008 11:50
How adorable, such a cutie. Love those big eyes. Wonderful capture Ruth.
Paulette21-Oct-2008 11:47
What a great shot of a very cute little kitten.
Guest 21-Oct-2008 11:37
Wow...what a cutie. At this point all eyes and ears, and you captures his essence so very well.
Guest 21-Oct-2008 10:03
Great photo Ruth :-)
Guest 21-Oct-2008 07:35
Ruth, this a such a cute little Kitty.
Well shot.
Larry Hill21-Oct-2008 05:25
You're interrupting his nap. Cute picture!
jpat21-Oct-2008 02:45
Good capture
Nancy21-Oct-2008 02:21
"what big ears you have". I'm not familiar with this breed. Do they keep the triangular head shape? My granddaughter's cat had a very similar shape when young but changed when she matured.
Guest 21-Oct-2008 01:51
"what you looking at? "
lol awsome ruth
Bea.21-Oct-2008 01:04
What a cute face, and those enormous eyes. Lots of fun ahead watching this one and his friend grow.
Barry Ailetcher21-Oct-2008 01:00
neat looking cat is that the real color?
Guest 20-Oct-2008 16:01
Nice shot of thhis beautiful creature.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo20-Oct-2008 13:14
Oh how precious, is he/she yours? I love the wedge shape head and sleek lines of the Devon Rex.
Guest 20-Oct-2008 04:18
What a beautiful little feller Ruth. We have a fat sassy 12 pounder lurking around the house somewhere!
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