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Favourites of 2008

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Bridge in Ayr, Scotland
Bridge in Ayr, Scotland
View from Brig o' Doon, Burns National Heritage Park, Scotland
View from Brig o' Doon, Burns National Heritage Park, Scotland
Marine Hotel windows in Troon, Scotland
Marine Hotel windows in Troon, Scotland
Lochranza Castle on Arran Island, Scotland
Lochranza Castle on Arran Island, Scotland
Street in Irvine, Scotland
Street in Irvine, Scotland
Crossraguel Abbey entrance, Scotland
Crossraguel Abbey entrance, Scotland
Sunset over the Firth of Clyde, Scotland
Sunset over the Firth of Clyde, Scotland
Clear Lake amid trees
Clear Lake amid trees
Blue boat and foam
Blue boat and foam
Marshs Lake, Spruce Woods Park
Marshs Lake, Spruce Woods Park
Golden daisies
Golden daisies
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