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The Hunter Valley Steamfest is held in April in Maitland. Hunter Valley Steamfest means steam trains, diesel trains, miniature trains, tin hares, railway lines, tiger moths, stationary engines, steam rollers, food, photography, stalls, street entertainment.

If you like the smell of coal burning & the warm clanking monsters, the next event on at 12 & 13 April 2014.

Junee has a great museum with a still functioning turntable.

The Lithgow Mine & Railway Museum is also worth a look if travelling from Sydney or nearby.
Newly Restored 3526
Newly Restored 3526
Victoria Melbourne to Bainsdale Country Service
Victoria Melbourne to Bainsdale Country Service
Working Turntable Panorama
Working Turntable Panorama
Junee Railway Turntable
Junee Railway Turntable
Lithgow Mine Museum
Lithgow Mine Museum
Lithgow Mine Museum
Lithgow Mine Museum
Lithgow Mine Museum
Lithgow Mine Museum
3642 Ready to Go
3642 Ready to Go
3526 Into the light
3526 Into the light
1 km of empty coal trucks
1 km of empty coal trucks
More Empty Rolling Stock
More Empty Rolling Stock
Another km of coal
Another km of coal
Arriving on time
Arriving on time
3642 arriving at Maitland
3642 arriving at Maitland
Great location for the start of a journey
Great location for the start of a journey
3642 arriving at Maitland
3642 arriving at Maitland
Too close for comfort
Too close for comfort
Diesel Rail Motor
Diesel Rail Motor
Grungy Toiler
Grungy Toiler
3265 Incoming
3265 Incoming
3265 Steaming Away
3265 Steaming Away
4490 in Action
4490 in Action