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Russell Tunny | profile | all galleries >> Bikes >> Crusty Demons tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Crusty Demons

The Crusty Demons were the major reason for attending the Australian Grand Prix event.

The F1 cars are behind heavy fencing and when travelling at high speed you seem so disconnected with them that I watched the event on TV inside the circuit. It is a TV spectacle only now.
But the Crusties, you could almost reach out & touch them. So different.
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons
Crusty Demons