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Yves Rubin | profile | all galleries >> Projects >> Contrasts >> Pathways tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


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This is a second take on the Pathways theme, taken all on the same day.

I have become intrigued by the paths that are created along beaches of Los Angeles between species or machines at various times of the day.
These intersect into fascinating stories of order and chaos. They leave hieroglyphic characters for fleeting moments, soon to be changed
or erased by the next pass of the sifting machine, wind movement, or the random walker. This work is an attempt to preserve and interpret these pathways.
Entrance to the show Separate lives g6/91/43791/3/76315467.0ys404Jj.jpg
g6/91/43791/3/76315459.K2tHuN1b.jpg g6/91/43791/3/76315460.Ctdox55v.jpg g6/91/43791/3/76315461.Tvkrvqhj.jpg
ex-Patriot g6/91/43791/3/76315463.BzJtjrAO.jpg g6/91/43791/3/76315464.r26JseVE.jpg
g6/91/43791/3/76315462.4LsEW6QK.jpg Confusion g6/91/43791/3/76315456.rlQwLful.jpg
g6/91/43791/3/76315468.MqItTCqw.jpg g6/91/43791/3/76315465.06jnYwbH.jpg Merry-go-round