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11-MAR-2005 Robin Reid

Friday March 11: SP Friday – Snorkel Lessons

Cairns, Australia

Day Two, Year Two, First PaD SP

We spent a very informative and interesting day in the World Heritage rainforest outside of Cairns. The rains increased as the day went by and we are now getting about one inch an hour which is quite normal for here this time of the year.

Here I am participating in “How to Snorkel.” Tomorrow we are going out to the World Heritage Site, the Great Barrier Reef.

*** Australian gallery***

Pentax Optio 550
1/40s f/2.8 at 7.8mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
snootydog16-Mar-2005 01:39
ha ha ha ha ha ha.... this has a very spongebob squarepants feel to it! You just endlessly crack me up.
Karen Leaf12-Mar-2005 04:38
Don't forget your hat :) I'm supremely envious.
Guest 11-Mar-2005 21:38
Hey you look great!!! The snorkel, googles and your shirt matches great :-D
Gary Winters11-Mar-2005 19:16
Um, if I recall correctly, aren't you supposed to be in water?
Pedro Libório11-Mar-2005 17:30
ehehehe quite nice SP !!!
Pepe Zyman11-Mar-2005 17:12
LOL! Cool SP.
Herb 11-Mar-2005 14:10
Is that you Robin? Have you learned how to speak through a snorkel yet? LOL
Stu11-Mar-2005 12:45
Really glad to see you're keeping up the PaD habit. I like seeing what you're up to!
Guest 11-Mar-2005 11:57
We're all completely jealous of your trip. I'm thinking - I can't wait to grow up so I can go on a trip like that! Wait a minute - I *am* all grown up! On the outside, at least.

Brave SP, Robin. Enjoy.
Gayle P. Clement11-Mar-2005 11:39
Quite a shot, Robin! What wonderful experiences!
Kenneth Zimmerman11-Mar-2005 11:37
Great image. Congrats on year one complete, I've finished my first year too
I'll bet you will love the reef.