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India, 04 Autumn

Emma & Roy India Trip, 24 Sept - 2 Oct 2004
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Amber Fort, Jaipur
Amber Fort, Jaipur
Amber Fort, Jaipur
Amber Fort, Jaipur
Jal Mahal, Jaipur
Jal Mahal, Jaipur
City Palace, Jaipur
City Palace, Jaipur
City Palace, Jaipur
City Palace, Jaipur
City Palace, Jaipur
City Palace, Jaipur
City Palace, Jaipur
City Palace, Jaipur
Indian Sari
Indian Sari
Indian Sari
Indian Sari
Hawa Mahal (The Palace of Winds), Jaipur
Hawa Mahal (The Palace of Winds), Jaipur
Hawa Mahal (The Palace of Winds), Jaipur
Hawa Mahal (The Palace of Winds), Jaipur
Hawa Mahal (The Palace of Winds), Jaipur
Hawa Mahal (The Palace of Winds), Jaipur
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