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Roy Dale | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> macros tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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Bush cricket
Bush cricket
grasshopper 2
grasshopper 2
The Fly
The Fly
Impatiens bud
Impatiens bud
The Butterfly
The Butterfly
Feeding station
Feeding station
Dung Beetle
Dung Beetle
Butterfly close up and personal
Butterfly close up and personal
Swallow tail  moth
Swallow tail moth
Buff Arches Moth
Buff Arches Moth
Buff arches moth head view
Buff arches moth head view
Black and white
Black and white
Just resting.................
Just resting.................
Red and black.....
Red and black.....
Fly by
Fly by
No Escape
No Escape
painted lady
painted lady
painted lady number two
painted lady number two
filling station
filling station
Taking a drink.
Taking a drink.
Pause for thought
Pause for thought
Orb web spider
Orb web spider
Egg Laying
Egg Laying
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