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Roy Dale | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> black_and_white_etc tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Lyme regis U.k
Lyme regis U.k
Just fishing?
Just fishing?
Dockside crane
Dockside crane
Ship hull Cardiff bay
Ship hull Cardiff bay
Tintern old signal box U.k
Tintern old signal box U.k
The Bandstand
The Bandstand
Bristol spine
Bristol spine
Pier head building Cardiff U.k
Pier head building Cardiff U.k
Preparing to leave black and white version
Preparing to leave black and white version
Bird on the Groynes
Bird on the Groynes
Sailing out
Sailing out
Rainy day at Bristol docks
Rainy day at Bristol docks
On the station...........
On the station...........
Raining at Lynmouth
Raining at Lynmouth
Gull over Portland Bill
Gull over Portland Bill
Weathering the Storm
Weathering the Storm
Portland Bill
Portland Bill
brecon railway
brecon railway
brecon train
brecon train
Bournemouth Pier
Bournemouth Pier
Zip slide, Bournemouth Pier
Zip slide, Bournemouth Pier
Winter Moon
Winter Moon