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royalld | profile | all galleries >> Sailing Vessel Shibumi >> Shibumi's 2006 Cruise >> Shibumi Returns to Upper Keys. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Shibumi Returns to Upper Keys.

Yesterday's trip at in the Atlantic was the most uncomfortable, during our journey, so far.
We have no complaints though.
We made the choice to leave Boot Key Harbor on Monday and we were prepared to live with the sloppy sail we got.
We spend a lot of time watching the weather.
Tonight another cold front comes down trhrough the Keys and brings northerly winds along with it.
So we on the move again looking for a place to hide from the sstrong north wind.
It will probably be Key Largo.
We like Key Largo.
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g3/93/44993/3/57293216.0035moon.jpg g3/93/44993/3/57404710.0001jill_mail.jpg Key Largo - March 16th
:: Key Largo - March 16th ::
Key Largo - Sunday the 19th
:: Key Largo - Sunday the 19th ::