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Wednesday Breakfast

Apple Strudel French Toast, Bacon, Juice and Coffee

Jill had the Cherry Pancakes for her birthday. She couldn't even eat half of that order.

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FujiFilm FinePix F70EXR
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Chris10-Sep-2009 06:15
I would have helped Jill with the pancakes - Happy belated Birthday to her!
Bill Ewart Jr10-Sep-2009 01:25
looks tempting!!!! It's a Birthday Breakfast!!!!!!!!!
Michael Shpuntov10-Sep-2009 01:02
Beautiful still life.Tasty too. Vote
Guest 10-Sep-2009 00:28
Happy Birthday, Jill!!!!!!
Cindi Smith09-Sep-2009 23:41
Oh, that looks good.....And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JILL!!! Does look like a lot of food but I'd give it a good ol' Texas try!!!
Guest 09-Sep-2009 23:10
Boy that looks great!!! Happy Birthday wishes to Jill..... Jv
Coleen Perilloux Landry09-Sep-2009 22:59
Now that looks a lot better than a bowl of cereal. Happy Birthday, Jill.