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Today It Snowed

On the Wirral Way, a 12 mile route running between the village of Hooton and the seaside resort of West Kirby on a peninsula called The Wirral, Cheshire UK. The Wirral Way, used by walkers, runners, cyclists and horse riders is a very pleasant countryside route with sea views aproaching West Kirby.
Good Morning Mr. Labrador.
Good Morning Mr. Labrador.
George well ahead...see him.?
George well ahead...see him.?
Oi, the Geek with the camera, can you keep up please.
Oi, the Geek with the camera, can you keep up please.
Hey ..wait for me guys..!
Hey ..wait for me guys..!
Aaah...caught two of you.
Aaah...caught two of you.
My feet are cold.!
My feet are cold.!
Hello again Mr. Labrador
Hello again Mr. Labrador
Look what we found.
Look what we found.
That's a big doggy.!
That's a big doggy.!
Irish Wolfhound I Think
Irish Wolfhound I Think
George thinks it's a Gee Gee
George thinks it's a Gee Gee
It was a Gee Gee all along.
It was a Gee Gee all along.
Follow me boys, let's hide from the Geek, and that stupid camera.
Follow me boys, let's hide from the Geek, and that stupid camera.
Stop shouting Geek,  i've found a scent.
Stop shouting Geek, i've found a scent.
Geek's going to lose his voice soon.
Geek's going to lose his voice soon.
Geek's gone quiet now...wonder if he can see me.?
Geek's gone quiet now...wonder if he can see me.?
I'll come when I'M ready Geek.
I'll come when I'M ready Geek.
More Gee Gee's
More Gee Gee's
Definitely Gee Gee's
Definitely Gee Gee's
Looking back, we're on the way home.
Looking back, we're on the way home.
How can I go forward, when I spend all my time looking back.??
How can I go forward, when I spend all my time looking back.??
Sometimes I sit on that seat...and errr...Look Back..!
Sometimes I sit on that seat...and errr...Look Back..!
Geek, can we go home now please.?
Geek, can we go home now please.?
The other two have gone, they got fed up waiting, Geek.
The other two have gone, they got fed up waiting, Geek.
Geek, put that stupid camera away and let's get home.
Geek, put that stupid camera away and let's get home.
We're going for our breakfast Geek, see ya..!
We're going for our breakfast Geek, see ya..!
Just a Test
Just a Test