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Rosemarie Kusserow | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers, trees and other plants >
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01-APR-2011 Rosemarie


Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7
1/60s f/3.6 at 6.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bernard Bosmans06-May-2011 02:35
Wonderful flower, bursting with life, excellent shot Rosemarie. Like it very much. V.
Pierre02-Apr-2011 19:41
Tout à fait magnifique comme floraison! V
Irene Wehrli02-Apr-2011 12:53
Oh Rosemarie - wahrhaftig eine Farbexplosion - wunderschön auch die feinen Häärchen!
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