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pacs22-May-2015 18:47
Great photography skills.
cafe18-May-2015 09:41
Vous avez un réel talent, continuez:)
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:46
Thank you so much for the beautiful shots
Dan 10-Feb-2009 22:57
Hi R A,
My search of pBase for Svalbard found your wonderful 2008 pictures and since I and my wife will be going there in August, I am hoping you would answer a few photographic questions for me. We'll be with the National Geographic Explorer program.

Q. How would you recommend protecting your equipment from water (the sea, weather, etc.)? I have two waterproof bags but we will occasionally be in small boats including zodiacs and kayaks. I have found in the past that quick access to taking a picture is critical.

Q. The telephoto lenses you used for wildlife seemed to be maxed at 300mm on the Canon 40D. Was 300mm on a 40D sufficient or would you have preferred a different lens?

Any other hints?

Thanks very much,

Dan Moore
Santa Barbara , CA
DesertRose 20-Apr-2008 21:02
Endless fun to look through your galleries. You should seriously give up your day job and do this professionally. Think of the perks!
Haley Moore 06-Nov-2007 14:30
Hey Kin Folk!
Your pictures are amazing. I look forward to our next adventure!
Love yall!
Guest 23-Feb-2007 17:29
Nice Gallery
Ruthanne 02-Nov-2006 16:22
I look forward to seeing them as I relax tonight:) Looks like we are all in for a treat:)
Thanks for sharing:) rara
Andy 28-Oct-2006 21:05
Why are there no pics of other animals peeing? This is unfair.