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Franz and Renate Rosenberger | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Small Treasures tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Small Treasures

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Click on a thumbnail for larger image.

Chive Seedpods
Chive Seedpods
Chive Seedpod
Chive Seedpod
Tumbling Gras Seedpod
Tumbling Gras Seedpod
Blooming mountain mahogany 3.jpg
Blooming mountain mahogany 3.jpg
Blooming mountain mahogany 2.jpg
Blooming mountain mahogany 2.jpg
14-08 Nature's arrangement  2.jpg
14-08 Nature's arrangement 2.jpg
13-10 Humingbird nest.jpg
13-10 Humingbird nest.jpg
11-06 Wind-shaped sculpture at Grand View Point.jpg
11-06 Wind-shaped sculpture at Grand View Point.jpg
10-10 White Pocket, Erosion pattern 22.jpg
10-10 White Pocket, Erosion pattern 22.jpg
10-10 White Pocket, Ersion pattern 21.jpg
10-10 White Pocket, Ersion pattern 21.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 18.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 18.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 17.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 17.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 23.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 23.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 22.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 22.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 07.jpg
10-10 Cottonwood Cove 07.jpg
09-03 Bend 20.JPG
09-03 Bend 20.JPG
08-12 Snow and Ice 06.JPG
08-12 Snow and Ice 06.JPG
08-12 Shelter in Snow and Ice 02.JPG
08-12 Shelter in Snow and Ice 02.JPG
08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 28.JPG
08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 28.JPG
Canyon wall reflection
08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 07.JPG

Canyon wall reflection

08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 03.JPG
08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 03.JPG
08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 10.JPG
08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 10.JPG
08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 01.JPG
08-10 Oak Creek West Fork 01.JPG
08-09 Fireweed after rain.JPG
08-09 Fireweed after rain.JPG
08-08 Golden Rays (Turkey Butte) 01.JPG
08-08 Golden Rays (Turkey Butte) 01.JPG
08-01 Tierra del Fuego NP 06.JPG
08-01 Tierra del Fuego NP 06.JPG
07-10 Pagosa Springs 12.jpg
07-10 Pagosa Springs 12.jpg
07-10 Pagosa 09.jpg
07-10 Pagosa 09.jpg
02-12 Snow 150.jpg
02-12 Snow 150.jpg
03-08 San Diego 97.jpg
03-08 San Diego 97.jpg
00-03 Cactus 668.jpg
00-03 Cactus 668.jpg
00-03 Gras 7.jpg
00-03 Gras 7.jpg
05-10 Katchina 16.jpg
05-10 Katchina 16.jpg
06-02 Last snow.jpg
06-02 Last snow.jpg
06-11 Burro Creek 02.JPG
06-11 Burro Creek 02.JPG
04-06 Denali  Bug Art.JPG
04-06 Denali Bug Art.JPG