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Roozbeh Shivayi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Frog > FR008-2361.jpg
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Canon PowerShot S45
1/640s f/2.8 at 7.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
rabi mehralitabar firozjah21-Apr-2009 16:49
Hi | besyar ziba
ratluk14-Sep-2007 10:59
ely photo! I just love the pose of the frog, well taken.
Hans Bister28-Aug-2007 17:28
Excellent image!
Guest 27-Aug-2007 05:11
Really, an attack frog??
zyziza23-Jun-2007 16:44
Hi George! V
Hodero11-Apr-2007 18:47
Ready to atttack... ;-))
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