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Ruth Rosenthal | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Jersey Lighthouse Challenge 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New Jersey Lighthouse Challenge 2009

I finally made it to a NJ Lighthouse Challenge - a very wet affair this year! I didn't see ALL of the lighthouses, but I DID see some new things, revisited some old things, and had a great time. Challenge was in October 2009.
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Lots of sand on the boardwalk at Sea Girt!
Lots of sand on the boardwalk at Sea Girt!
Tuckerton Seaport lighthouse (replica)
Tuckerton Seaport lighthouse (replica)
Tuckerton hotel at the seaport complex
Tuckerton "hotel" at the seaport complex
I detoured to Asbury Park to look around (old casino)
I detoured to Asbury Park to look around (old casino)
Casino carousel
Casino carousel
Near Navesink I detoured to see the 9-11 memorial.
Near Navesink I detoured to see the 9-11 memorial.
On a clear day, you can see Sandy Hook (including the lighthouse) and NYC across the bay.
On a clear day, you can see Sandy Hook (including the lighthouse) and NYC across the bay.
Twin Lights lighthouse from across the bridge
Twin Lights lighthouse from across the bridge
Conover Beacon, Leonardo
Conover Beacon, Leonardo
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