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Ruth Rosenthal | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Zealand and Australia Cruise - Picton & Akaroa NZ Jan. 2020 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New Zealand and Australia Cruise - Picton & Akaroa NZ Jan. 2020

Visited Picton as a substitute port for Dunedin, after a sea day instead of Milford Sound. (Upset about those two changes, but what can you do? Captain rules the ship.) The night before we arrived in Picton, I found a boat tour that looked halfway interesting. I enjoyed the boat tour, then found Howard for fish and chips, and then explored the pretty town of Picton. We woke up next day at 7 AM in Akaroa. We tendered ashore & went on the awesome Eastern Bays Scenic Mail Run (pre-booked), then I visited the wonderful Giants House.

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Had fun on unexpected sea day looking at artwork on scavenger hunt
Had fun on unexpected sea day looking at artwork on scavenger hunt
Chandelier Grand Dining Room
Chandelier Grand Dining Room
Actually got someone to go to dining room. Asked for Julio and window table, no worries!
Actually got someone to go to dining room. Asked for Julio and window table, no worries!
In port, yay!  In an inside cabin the webcam on TV is your friend. Turned it on to see the Interisland ferry leaving
In port, yay! In an inside cabin the webcam on TV is your friend. Turned it on to see the Interisland ferry leaving
Headed out early to see beautiful fjord-like Picton
Headed out early to see beautiful fjord-like Picton
In the town the pedestrian bridge beckoned
In the town the pedestrian bridge beckoned
A very nice waterfront area was beyond the bridge
A very nice waterfront area was beyond the bridge
Iris in the rocks
Iris in the rocks
Bridge & mountains. Then time to get on Cougar Line's delivery boat.
Bridge & mountains. Then time to get on Cougar Line's delivery boat.
Corona & Heineken were being placed on board
Corona & Heineken were being placed on board
Toilet issue too - gotta have the essentials!
Toilet issue too - gotta have the essentials!
Oceania Regatta in Picton (Queen Charlotte Sound) Jan. 14, 2020
Oceania Regatta in Picton (Queen Charlotte Sound) Jan. 14, 2020
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