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Gary Haley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Day in the Smokies tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Day in the Smokies

Having just recently started my use with digital cameras in my photography, I thought I'd share a few images. All images are shot with an Olympus C-2100UZ, some were taken with the Olympus A-200 1.5X Tele-Converter attached. I now have a new format to learn, after more than two decades with film cameras that range from 35mm to 4x5. © Gary Haley - Atlanta, Georgia -USA
Peaceful Clouds.JPG
Peaceful Clouds.JPG
Pure Water.jpg
Pure Water.jpg
The Falls.jpg
The Falls.jpg
WhiteTail Deer.JPG
WhiteTail Deer.JPG
WhiteTail Deer 3.JPG
WhiteTail Deer 3.JPG
WhiteTail Deer 4.JPG
WhiteTail Deer 4.JPG
WhiteTail Deer 2.JPG
WhiteTail Deer 2.JPG
Making The Shot.JPG
Making The Shot.JPG