You can go far away to other continents and look for the most exotic and rare orchids, but sometimes you simply forget that closer to home there are oppurtunities that might even be better.
Early this year Ed de Vogel showed me a book he got as present. Die Orchideen der Turkei written by Karel Kreutz. A truly wonderfull book I bought myself some years earlier. In the book are some of the most increddible orchids one can imagine. Two of these, the Comperia comperiana (nowedays Himantoglossum comperianum and Ophrys straussii (Nowedays Ophrys reinholdii subsp. straussii) are for me some of the most exquisit species in the world.
When confronted with Ed his book I realised that I never got to see these two orchids even though they grow so much closer to home than the orchids in Japan, Costa Rica, Malaysia etc. that I did went to see. So no more excuses. It was time to visit the Taurus mountains in Southern Turkey.
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:: Orchids of Antalya ::
:: Other plants of Antalya ::
:: Animals of Antalya ::
:: Termessos ::
Turkey landscape. Upper Antalya.
Emiraşıklar landscape.
Emiraşıklar evening.
Evening view from hotelroom.
Hotel Ali pasa konagi.
Roman bridge.jpg
Salep collector's motorcycle.
Salep collector cleaning tubers of Orchis and Anacamptis species.
Salep collectors cleaning tubers of Orchis and Anacamptis species.
Salep collector cleaning tubers of Orchis and Anacamptis species.