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Coach Rob - ( Rob Wille ) - Foto`s by Coach Rob | profile | all galleries >> Cycling - Fotos by "Coach Rob" >> Team Car Sept. 2001 - Jan. 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Team Car Sept. 2001 - Jan. 2007

This was the "Team Car" that was used from September 2001 until January 29, 2007. The car was used
as a support car for Cycling and was the Broom Car at the 80km Duncan-Youbo-Duncan TT in 2004.
Also was the "Team Car" driven by "Coach Rob" for Lambrick Cross-Country / Track & Field.
Thankyou "Team Car" for all your support and memories during the years.From this I moved onto a 1995 Caravan and as of June 2010 a 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan.
LastDay--07.JPG LastDay--12.JPG LastDay--11.JPG LastDay--10.JPG LastDay--09.JPG
LastDay--08.JPG LastDay--13.JPG LastDay--06.JPG LastDay--05.JPG LastDay--04.JPG
LastDay--03.JPG LastDay--02.JPG LastDay--01.JPG Team / Support Car 2005 Car from above.
Side View Close up Support Vehicle -1 PICT0002.jpg PICT0001.jpg
Aero Bar close up bike0006.jpg My Dad Aero Bar Team Car and Bike 2
TeamCar and TT Bike Broomcar.jpg snow0013.jpg snow0012.jpg snow0011.jpg
Team Car facts Close up New Amber Light T226.JPG T225.JPG
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File0003.JPG File0002.JPG File0001.JPG Team Car