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Robyco | all galleries >> TRIPS >> AMSTERDAM > Amsterdam 34
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Amsterdam 34

On the right is a Chinese Restaurant that floats on the water......

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/640s f/5.6 at 53.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Paradoxal Studio Classic06-Nov-2007 09:01
Impressive !
Yiannis Pavlis18-Oct-2007 02:23
Beautiful view and perspective.nicely composed photo.
Vince14-Oct-2007 14:57
These floating restaurants are well know for their seafood. Nice nice capture placing it next to the old buildings. Vote.
Milos Markovic14-Oct-2007 10:04
Great "clean" composition, and view.
Paco López14-Oct-2007 06:30
Beautiful view, Rob!!!!!! I love this light grey! VOTE!!
Andrew Vincent14-Oct-2007 05:15
We had one of these in Sydney. Is up for sale at the moment (not as nice looking as this one). Great pano Rob, VOTE!
Martha Albuquerque14-Oct-2007 01:57
amazing view.. great series, Rob..***
Guest 13-Oct-2007 23:52
Mooie uitsnede. Vote.
Jay Levin13-Oct-2007 22:36
Fascinating scene of a city dominated so much by water. Vote