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Rob Myers | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Parade of Olympic and Paralympic heroes from Bejing 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Parade of Olympic and Paralympic heroes from Bejing 2008

In 2008 I was transfixed by Britain's amazing success in Bejing. I turned up in the Strand to watch and in 2013 I finally uploaded my photos to this site.
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Waiting for the parade
Waiting for the parade
Band of the Coldstream Guards leads the parade
Band of the Coldstream Guards leads the parade
Future stars canoeist Rachel Cawthorn and Wheelchair Rugby's Steve Brown lead the parade
Future stars canoeist Rachel Cawthorn and Wheelchair Rugby's Steve Brown lead the parade
Cyclist float
Cyclist float
Chris Hoy and Victoria Pendleton
Chris Hoy and Victoria Pendleton
Zac Purchase and Mark Hunter
Zac Purchase and Mark Hunter
More Rowers
More Rowers
Possibly high jumper Germaine Mason, Lisa Dobriskey and race walker Johanna Jackson
Possibly high jumper Germaine Mason, Lisa Dobriskey and race walker Johanna Jackson
Members of Gold Medal Boccia team on float 9
Members of Gold Medal Boccia team on float 9
Philips Idowu
Philips Idowu
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