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Victoria Peak Trails, Hong Kong

The Peak, Hong Kong's most popular attraction is more than just stunning vistas or great shopping and dining. It's an amazing collection of unique must-visit attractions, providing you with a diverse fun-filled experience of Hong Kong's living culture.

Getting to the Peak by the Peak Tram is an unforgettable experience. One of the world's oldest and most famous funicular railways, the tram rises to 396 metres (about 1,300 feet) above sea level. It is so steep that the buildings you pass look like they are leaning a gradient of between 4 to 27 degrees! Whether you are going up or coming down, you will love this trip.

Offering a stunning 360-degree panoramic view across the Hong Kong, the Sky Terrace 428 standing at 428 metres above sea level, is a scenic spot that visitors could not miss. An added attraction on the terrace is The Sky Gallery, which showcases the works of the city's talented artists.

The Peak experience is not complete without trekking one of the trails. My suggestion is to take the tram up and trek down. Here are a few options.

1. The Hong Kong Trail (Lugard Road).
Probaly the most well known and most attempted trail on The Peak, is a loop around the Peak that runs about 40-60 minutes. It is an excellent way to experience the Peak scenery and get close to nature. Exit the Mount Austin Playground and keep left until you meet Lugard Road. From there you will begin the loop around the Peak. Halfway through your walk, at the end of Lugard Road, turn into Harlech Road, which brings you back to your original starting point. The tour takes you past a picnic area and through the Peak's luxury residences.

2. The Chatham Path Central Green Trail.
If you have done the Hong Kong Trail (Lugard Road) and chances are you've done it multiple times, then Central Green Trail, lined with towering trees on both sides, is where one can enjoy the spectacular views of the Victoria Harbour, with the attraction of a close encounter with historical structures and some of the finest and most famous buildings in Hong Kong, as well as a variety of plants and wild lives. The 1.8 km trail begins at the Peak Tramway and ends at the junction of Chatham Path and Barker Road. Beware, the Tramway referred here is not the one at The Peak, but Mid-Level, off May Road.

3. Severn Road.
The most expensice street in the world is also a running route and offers spectacular view of the Hong Kong South - Aberdeen and Repulse Bay. Perhps as a result of its exclusive reputation, it is far less travelled than say The Hong Kong Trail, it is nonetheless beautiful.

4. Old Peak Road.
Which begins below the Peak Tower and spirals steeply down into the main business district of Central. Beward, this trail switchback down from the Peak like asphalt slalom runs and can be tough on your knees. Still, you will find people and yes, dogs on this trail perhaps many are headed to and from The Mid-Level and/or Central. It does not offer much in terms of views, but it is lush with green and is a great workout in the morning, which is probably why it is the one I use the most.

5. Pok Fu Lam Reservoire.
Exit out of the Peak Outlook, with the restaurant on your right, and walk down the hill following the signs to Pok Fu Lam Reservoir. Take the wooded path as it descends toward Pok Fu Lam Country Park. The views are beautiful and the walk is invigorating. The should take about 45 minutes. Pok Fu Lam Reservoir, the first reservoir in Hong Kong, was completed in 1863. Before that residents got their water by collecting it from local streams. Walk past the reservoir along the edge on Pok Fu Lam Reservoir Road until you hit Pok Fu Lam Road. You will see a bus stop there. For your return journey, catch bus no. 4, 7, 90B, 91 or 94 to Central.
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