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Roby | all galleries >> Landscapes >> My Countryside in Summer > 8360
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05-AUG-2010 Roberto Capaccioli


Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L IS USM
1/160s f/8.0 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
marie21-Feb-2011 10:28
beautiful sight
shy friends coming up behind the sunny leader
bill friedlander18-Sep-2010 17:05
A cheerful flower echoing the sunshine. Lovely composition, excellent DOF. V
Carol Rollins27-Aug-2010 14:13
Beautiful image, Roby! Excellent composition, colors, light, detail. ~
Silvia Roitman08-Aug-2010 19:15
Johnny JAG08-Aug-2010 19:01
Beautifully backlit shot.
Patricia Kay08-Aug-2010 17:46
Gorgeous sunflower image with a lovely DOF Roby...BV
Stephanie08-Aug-2010 12:16
Sunny day in Tuscany! V
Blandine Mangin07-Aug-2010 21:11
une très belle composition ! v
Máire Uí Mhaicín07-Aug-2010 17:44
An exquisite image of these sunflowers,Roberto!