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Gary Robertshaw | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Additions tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

New Additions

Out of the loop
Out of the loop
Coast Guard 1
Coast Guard 1
Coast Guard 2
Coast Guard 2
Coast Guard 3
Coast Guard 3
Used to be
Used to be
Rainbow's end
Rainbow's end
Double rainbow
Double rainbow
The other end
The other end
The whole rainbow
The whole rainbow
Mist rainbow from Cayucos pier
Mist rainbow from Cayucos pier
Peregrine falcons
Peregrine falcons
Hawk on a fence
Hawk on a fence
Hawk drinking
Hawk drinking
Offshore rainbow
Offshore rainbow
Yet another mist rainbow
Yet another mist rainbow
Surfing dolphins
Surfing dolphins
Dolphins show how it's done
Dolphins show how it's done
Dolphin 3
Dolphin 3
The lone surfer
The lone surfer
Watching the sunset
Watching the sunset
PToo many
PToo many