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Gary Robertshaw | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Santa Catalina Island and Avalon tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Santa Catalina Island and Avalon

August 2002 photos from Santa Catalina Island, one of the channel islands in southern California.
View from Mt. Ada
View from Mt. Ada
Was it something I said?
Was it something I said?
Narrow office, but nice view
Narrow office, but nice view
Holly hill house infrared
Holly hill house infrared
Buffalo by the fountain
Buffalo by the fountain
Hotel and restaurant
Hotel and restaurant
Friendly-looking buffalo
Friendly-looking buffalo
Buffalo tells blond joke
Buffalo tells blond joke
Whatever suits your fancy
Whatever suits your fancy
Arabian horse shows off at Wrigley Ranch
Arabian horse shows off at Wrigley Ranch
Bus ride
Bus ride
I'll take the tan one...
"I'll take the tan one..."
Relax here
Relax here
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows
Stormy skies
Stormy skies
Inn at Mt. Ada
Inn at Mt. Ada
Undersea tour
Undersea tour
Shiny fish
Shiny fish
Fish eye view
Fish eye view
Avalon's classic fire engine, a Van Pelt
Avalon's classic fire engine, a Van Pelt
Mountains to beach
Mountains to beach
Gets petted a lot
Gets petted a lot
Old man cactus
Old man cactus
Quiet back street
Quiet back street
Buffalo art in the early morning
Buffalo art in the early morning
Wrigley memorial garden cactus
Wrigley memorial garden cactus
Busy beach
Busy beach
Long way to set the clock
Long way to set the clock
Harbor view infrared
Harbor view infrared
Catalina Tile
gallery: Catalina Tile
Catalina weather vanes
gallery: Catalina weather vanes