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Robert Houde | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ajouts Récents -- Recently Added > Roselin pourpré --- 0V3A1366 --- Purple Finch
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Roselin pourpré --- 0V3A1366 --- Purple Finch

© Robert Houde

Canon EOS 7D Mark II ,Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM
1/250s f/8.0 at 560.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jean Chiasson26-Jun-2021 22:18
Belle image Robert
Tom LeRoy21-Jun-2021 18:38
Excellent sharp shot of this colorful bird. V
Martin Lamoon16-Jun-2021 18:48
Fantastic small bird.
francoisconstantin14-Jun-2021 14:44
De belles couleurs et un arrière-plan qui le met en valeur.
Hank Vander Velde13-Jun-2021 01:02
Nice sharp shot.
Pierre Martin12-Jun-2021 23:00
superbe ce beau mâle finement détaillé et excellent cet arrière-plan!
pmakuch12-Jun-2021 21:07
nice one and holding all the details as-well, good stuff ROBERT !!!
joseantonio12-Jun-2021 17:33
lovely and sharp capture.V.